Places To Visit With No Covid-19 Cases

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While a majority of the world is dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic there are still a small number of places to visit with no covid-19 cases. This is largely due to several reasons.  One reason for Covid not being present in these places is that most of these locations are islands. Having the luxury of not sharing borders with any other place makes it much easier for these locations to control who comes in and who goes out. Another factor in the no covid cases for these places is that they have downright close their borders by not allowing entry. Most of these locations have ban flight and cruise ships from leaving and entering.

It is important to note that most of these places are fairly small in area and population. Social distancing and wearing of masks have also been strictly enforced. These locations have also gone under complete lockdown to prevent this disease from reaching them. Another added bonus that most of these places are not densely populated, this makes transmission of Covid-19 far less. Let’s take a look at some of these Covid free destinations.


Location: located in the South Pacific Ocean

Population: Approx. 11, 500

Size: 289,500 sq mi


Location: Western Pacific Ocean

Population: Approx. 18, 000

Size: 177.2 sq. mil


Location: South Pacific Ocean

Population: Approx. 103, 000

Size: 288.8 sq. mi


Location: Southwesten Micronesia

Population: Approx. 12, 700

Size: 8.108 sq. mi

Federated States of Micronesia

Location: Western Pacific Ocean

Population: Approx. 112, 600

Size: 271 sq. mi


Location: Central Pacific Ocean

Population: Approx. 115, 800

Size: 313.1 sq. mi


Location: Polynesia

Population: Approx. 196, 100

Size: 1093 sq. mi


Location: Central Asia

Population: Approx. 5.85 million

Size: 189, 657 sq. mi

Cook Islands

Location: South Pacific Ocean

Population: Approx. 17, 600

Size: 91.39 sq. mi

North Korea

Location: Eastern Asia

Population: 25.55 million

Size: 46, 541 sq. mi


There are still places to visit with no covid cases out there!  What are your thoughts? If borders open up, would you want to take a vacation to one of these places?

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